Our Services

Predictive Modeling
Know the future so you can make smarter decisions. Whether it's pricing, demand, key performance indicators, or anything else, accurate predictions increase your efficiency.

Visualizations & Dashboards
Data visualization gives you answers to question you didn't know you have. Keep track of your performance and understand the story of your process via custom visuals and dashboards.

Machine Learning
Unleash the power of Machine Learning on your data that'll bring new insights that bring new levels of value and savings. What can your data teach you about how to improve?

Data Collection & Storage
Start capturing your valuable data and store it in a matter that expedites analysis and value generation.

Training & Strategy
Help your organization learn how data can help improve your process. From trainings, to action plans, we can help.

Cloud Computing
Utilize the strength of the cloud and get modern solutions.
About Snow
Data Science & Analytics Consulting Firm
Snow Data Science is designed to provide rapid analytics solutions that helps your data work for you. We use the power of Machine Learning, AI, and Data Science to help you and your team find actionable insights.
We are experts in helping your team understand how data can deliver value to your team. We want to help you join in on the data revolution. Whether you need a dashboard, to a sale forecast, or just want to chat about data, we’re more than happy to talk.
Below we’ve provided some info on how we work, machine learning technology, and data science in general.
What is Data Science?
Data Science is using any form of data or information to extract insights or value that often help make smarter decisions. It includes concepts such as automation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data visualization.
It's an inter-disciplinary field where statistics meets programming meets business needs!
How can Data Science help me?
Business (and life) is a series of decisions; sometimes we make good ones, sometimes we make bad ones. Data Science helps increase the number of good decisions, and decrease the number of bad decisions.
Whether is having a predictive model to predict next months sales, or having a dashboard to track your project's progress, Data Science gives additional clarity in all your decisions.
How does Snow Data Science work? What about pricing?
Send us a message and let us know about your organization. We'll help you understand what data you already have, what data could be useful, and discuss how we can use that data to derive insights that will add value to your business!
Pricing varies from a project-to-project basis but send us a description of what you'd like to do and we'll reply with a quote.